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Epic Next Generation Bashing Monster! - Battery and Charger are not included
Standing backflips with a mere blip of the throttle, tire shredding, terrain destroying power that'll make you run for cover... FLUX fans know where its at.. This is not for the faint of heart.. Let's find out what's new with our Next Level Savage X Flux V2 GT-6:
The colossally powerful FLUX 2200KV motor is ready for all the power you can run through it, and the FLUX 6S-capable electronic speed controller is fully capable of up to 22.2 volts of power to let you pull off giant stunts and jaw-dropping speed.
As any RC fan will know, the original HPI Savage changed the game for RC, unleashing rugged Monster trucks - that beg to be backflipped - onto the scene. Over the years the power and strength have increased from the original Savage 21 back in 2002...and with the arrival of brushless power came the Savage FLUX HP.
We know that the phrase "hotly anticipated" is an understatement - For years you've been asking us to bring back the Savage FLUX HP, but we knew we had to do it only when the product, supply, spares and time was just right...and that time is now
Standing backflips with a mere blip of the throttle, tire shredding, terrain destroying power that'll make you run for cover... FLUX fans know where its at! And with a raft of new features and upgrades like the new LCG Chassis Design & Layout, new Twin Clamp Motor Mount, new Twin Battery Boxes, new Center Skid Plate, new Center Gearbox, new wheels, tires, body, rugged bumpers and much more - This is nothing less than: Next Level Savage!!
The Savage started the RC Bashing movement and 2 decades later, we're still here, stronger than ever and thrilled to standing backflip back into the ring with the holy grail, the jewel in the crown... Ladies and gentlemen, the Savage is back!
A new Savage deserves a new set of brutally agressive HPI Havok 3.8" wheels, wrapped in yet another addition to the TREDZ "by HPI Racing" Tire rack. The Tredz Terrahex 3.8" Tires are designed tough, but for ultimate agility and handling at ground shaking speeds!
From the Super HD Drivetrain, to the Bulletproof 29/9T Differentials, to the new Rugged Bumpers, every inch of the Savage X FLUX V2 is built to survive and dominate. With beefy suspension arms, ready to take the punishment of big-air drops while everything within is protected by the reinforced thick aluminum TVP (Twin Vertical Plate) chassis, flanked by sturdy, new streamlined battery boxes.
Like all HPI trucks, the Savage X FLUX V2 is easy to drive with the included steering wheel controller - but it should be handled with extreme caution! Hit the gas and the 6S FLUX system blasts into action and to the uninitiated things can get pretty crazy VERY quickly! Expect insane standing backflips, while mud, rocks and dirt get slung at you when you pull the trigger!
Once you get used to the power of the FLUX 2200Kv motor, you'll be able to rip off huge stunts at your local skate park, achieve crazy fast top speeds in empty parking lots and throw up huge rooster tails of dirt! The power of the Savage X FLUX V2 cannot be denied!
HPI's designers approached this Next Level Savage FLUX V2 from the ground up with a view to maximising performance and above the new wheels and tires, housed in the TVP aluminum chassis is a new, efficient, streamlined layout - fully optimzed for the RC bash of your life!
Continuing the Savage's reinforcements, we're using even more HD upgrades in the standard spec! This heavy-duty servo saver spring provides more direct steering for all the new Savage X Nitro and Flux models, allowing today's stronger steering servos to give the Savage faster and more immediate steering response.
After almost 2 decades of seriously thrilling RC bashing performance, the HPI Savage has earned a reputation for being the toughest monster truck you can find. The Savage suspension has evolved along the way as well. The New Savage X FLUX V2 features the latest ultra-tough, super-thick webbed suspension arms and uprights that can take a barrage of abuse and punishment, giving you plenty of big-air thrills in their stride.
Another new addition to the Savage X FLUX is a super tough center skid plate specified by HPI’s designers to protect the chassis underside and the all-important components housed within. Whilst helping to absorb shocks and protect from impact and strikes from dirt, rocks, stones and debris, it also looks great too!
It's not just about ballistic action, the new generation of Savages also have usability high on their agenda... Over the years Savage fans around the world have told us the hinge pins need to be secured in place so they don't come loose during extreme bashing, well our designers are always listening and have fitted the car with hinge pin covers to ensure they don't go anywhere, no matter how hard you bash.
For the new generation of Savages we've introduced Standardized 17mm Aluminum Hex Hubs. This means your Savage truck is ready to use any of the gigantic range of 1/8th scale buggy and truggy wheels and tires available from HPI. A large, black, serrated 17mm nut holds the wheel securely to the hub for worry-free bashing duties.
The beefy metal plates that house all the good stuff under the hood are synonymous with the Savage family. The 3mm thick "TVP" as we call them - are unshakeably strong, yet lightweight and provide the ultimate backbone built to handle gigantic jumps, rough landings, rolls and full-speed crashes.
With a chunkier, more aggressive than ever look, the new front and rear bumpers also have space for both 5mm and 3mm LEDs so you can add your choice of lights and light up the track while you bash
Our best-ever generation of Savage upgrades are not just limited to performance, the brand new HPI designed GT-6 body also looks awesome with a new livery and plastic molded body detail parts including realistic grille, vents, mirrors and roll bars
The Savage is known to wreak havoc and destruction, devouring terrain and anything in its path. However the Savage needn't be brutal for you to work on! We're continuing to refine the layout and accessibility in several areas like this new 2-piece motor mount design which allows you access via just the top screws. So removing the motor is no longer a time consuming project!
The colossally powerful FLUX MLH-2200KV motor is ready for all the power you can run through it, and the FLUX ELH-6S-capable electronic speed controller is fully capable of up to 22.2 volts of power to let you pull off giant stunts and jaw-dropping speed!!
Power your Savage X FLUX V2 with a pair of matching LiPo batteries equipped with 2S 7.4v or a whopping 3S 11.1v totalling 6S insane power!
Check out our recommended batteries, chargers and all important LiPo pouch at the foot of this page.
Keeping your precious electronics safe is a veritable fortress! Building on the aluminum vertical chassis plates is a rugged, enclosed electronics box and Hex encrusted cockpit allowing airflow to hit the ELH-6S Electronic speed controller and access to the all important power button - to start the fun!!
Continuing the theme of fast access and easy operation are the new thumb latches we've included with the streamlined, redesigned battery boxes, making it easier than ever to insert fresh power and keep the action coming!
Four huge XL-size Big Bore shocks give all the suspension action you need to get out and blast through the roughest of tracks or off-road terrain. With slick nylon bodies they are lightweight and strong, with almost no friction 'stiction' between the shock piston and shock body. The extra-large capacity gives you extra control and damping action so you have the driving feel that makes off-road driving so much fun!
In addition to steel pinion and spur gears, the Savage FLUX V2 features all-metal transmission gears to make sure that power delivery is uninterrupted and every bit of power gets from the motor to the tires efficiently and with no worry of damage to the gears. The whole drivetrain runs on ball bearings for optimal efficiency, for extra-long runtimes and mega-fast top speeds!
The drivetrain is equipped with a strong steel pinion and 43-tooth steel spur gear for extreme durability as you rip off huge stunts and jumps. For extra resilience, the spur gear features a dual slipper pad design. The spur gear is sandwiched between two lightweight aluminum slipper plates so the drivetrain is protected from hard landings.
As all true RC fans know, the hobby is not just about bashing, it's also about maintenance, repairs, spares and upgrades! As we take a look at the new Savage FLUX V2 Center Gearbox, it's good to know that the inner workings of the beast are now easily accessible via just a few screws. So whether you want to check it over, or swap it out for the available Center Diff option part, it'll be quick and easy so you can get back to bashing in no time!
To cope with the sheer power of the 2200KV FLUX system and the brutal eruption of energy it inflicts upon the Savage, the Super HD drivetrain is in its element. From the all-metal center transmission to the Bulletproof 29/9T Differentials. The diffs are fitted with extra-tough forged metal heavy-duty differential pinion and ring gears, plus sintered metal 4-gear internals and metal casings at both ends. Steel diff outdrives, extra-thick super heavy-duty dogbones and steel axles finish off the drivetrain.
The Savage X FLUX V2 lives and breathes for big air, multiple backflips and wicked wheelies, so of course a solid center shaft delivers the kind of drive you need for maximum freeestyle, stunt-whipping action! Center shaft = twitchy and wreckless, but if smooth handling and sublime control and efficiency are your thing - The optional Center Diff is for you!
HPI Racing Savage X FLUX V2 1/8th 4WD Brushless Monster Truck Features:
Not included:
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